
目前顯示的是 6月, 2021的文章

花蓮。龍泉鐵馬道 / 美崙溪自行車道 Biking in Hualien: Xincheng Longquan Bikeway / Meilun River Bikeway

週六總是想安排一些單車路線。這天想和貝貝在龍泉鐵馬道各騎一台腳踏車。這裡平時他會和爺爺奶奶開車來看火車,不過沒在這裡騎過腳踏車。我二點半先騎單車出發,從家裡騎過去要半小時至少,大約快要九公里。天氣比我想像中的炎熱。在路上我想著會不會中暑。中途還有點迷路。後來總算回到正確的道路上。騎經過這裡看到遠處的鐵軌,我知道總算快到了。抵達時我用鈴鐺呼叫貝貝。後來我們一起在這自行車道上騎著。算是實現目標啦。 I always want to go on biking during the weekends. Today I want to bike with Henry on the Xincheng Longquan Bikeway. He came here with grandparents to see the train passing every afternoon, but he never ride bicycle here. I ride my KHS T3 from home around half past two, and took at least half an hour to arrive, about nine kilometers. The weather is hotter than I thought. On the road, I wondered if I would have heat stroke. I was a little lost halfway through. Finally, I was back on the right path. Riding past a bridge where I can see the railroad tracks in the distance, I knew I was almost here. We rode on our own bike on this bikeway together. Another goal achieved! 到時我已累了。貝貝據說已經來來回回騎了很久。 I was already exausted when I met them. 我們在單車道的盡頭替單車拍張合照紀念一下。 Took some photos at the end of the bikew...

花蓮。兩潭自行車道 (南段) Biking in Hualien: Two Lakes Bikeway (South Shore)

  這週下了五天的雨,到了週五開完會下班,終於解脫,剛好雨停歇,我邀貝貝給我載,騎車去海邊。沒想到他說他要留在家裡等垃圾車來,他要倒垃圾。我就自己輕鬆上路了。背著Gregory新包,車前包放了相機。直衝海邊。半路下起不小的雨,我穿上了輕便雨衣,繼續往前。連五天沒騎實在悶壞了。後來雨變小我換上了Marmot的薄外套。雖然它完全不防水,但細雨還能擋一會兒吧。期待在Trekinn買的Marmot Precip 雨衣能早日送達。以後騎車就不怕下雨了。 It rained for five days this week. On Friday, I finished company meeting and got off work. I was finally relieved. The rain just stopped. I invited Henry to join me and ride to the beach. Unexpectedly, he said he wanted to stay at home and wait for the garbage truck to come, and he wanted to throw the garbage. I went on the bike alone, carrying Gregory Nano 14L, placing the camera in the front bag, and head straight to the beach. It started to rain quite a bit halfway, so I put on a light raincoat and kept going. Life was boring without any rides for five days. Then the rain became lighter, and I put on Marmot's thin jacket. Although it is not waterproof at all, it can block the drizzle for a while. I hope that the Marmot Precip raincoat bought from Trekkinn can...

自行車背包 Biking Gear : Gregory Nano 14L

新入手的Gregory Nano 14L。原本是在看Exped Cloudburst 15L,但四處只有25L的尺寸,15L只看到有人在賣深藍色的。後來改變主意想說先試試Gregory吧。只區別在沒有防水。輕便的特性很適合出去騎車時背了就上。同時把T3裝了個前置小包,可以放我的Nikon Z50。輕鬆多了。背包原本吊環上的綁帶我把它對半簡,拿來當固定兩邊背包多餘肩帶的小環。配色很搭。多餘的長度就不會晃來晃去。 Set off on a day of exploration with the simple, lightweight Nano 14. A secure zippered pocket, padded backpanel, and quick-access drawcord opening help keep things simple. Drop into any Nano compatible hiking pack for a deluxe trail system. Large quick-pull drawstring opening Front, quick access zippered pocket Universal hydration hanger with secure buckle closure and hydration port Perforated foam shoulder strap with elastic loops for hydration routing Padded back pad with durable nylon fabric Reflective webbing attachment loops Custom comfort-grip molded zipper pulls 規格 Specifications:  Fits Torso : 35.6 - 48.3 cm Weight: 227g Volume: 14 L Max Carry Weight: 4.5 kg Packed Dimensions : 43.2 x 30.5 x 12.7 cm 前方有個小拉鍊夾層。我放置了小不叮防小黑蚊時可噴;還有一小瓶水神;以及一個Gregory Coin Wallet。出門就再多個...

Biking & Hiking Books:單車環島, 停不了 / 北歐聖奧拉夫朝聖之路

  前陣子去書店買了幾本和騎車,走路有關的書過過癮。單車環島的書有幾本看起來非常艱難,我就先跳過了。選了這本一青妙寫的<<單車環島,停不了>>感覺比較能有所共鳴。完全從頭到尾騎單車環島應該不是我想要的。我比較想要找些合適的自行車道,交通方便到達的,假以時日我跟貝貝帶著我們的小折去騎,騎完在當地住一晚,順便渡假。 <<北歐聖奧拉夫朝聖之路:從瑞典到挪威六百公里徒步回家的故事>>是另一本可以輕鬆閱讀的書。喜歡書裡提到的兩段話:"勇於做出和別人不同的選擇;傾聽自己的心,把時間精力花在讓自己更快樂的事上。""感謝宇宙的一切,順勢而為。"看完後覺得雖然自己一直想要走朝聖之路,但應該無法。比較可行的方式是騎其中某段單車道吧!假如哪天能成真就太棒了。後來找資料發現葡萄牙也有朝聖自行車道,屬於Atlantic Coast Route的一部份,看起來也很棒。可以參考 EuroVelo 的歐洲單車路線。 Erling Kagge <<極地探險家的美好生活秘密>>則是能提供勇氣的一本小書。鼓舞自己打定主意去冒險。"如果保持樂觀和熱血沒什麼損失,那就去做吧!"還有,"想法浮上腦海那一刻,決定就完成了。"冒一點險,生命就有了不同的意義。但,別冒愚蠢的險。""我只是下定決心,一旦開始就不去想負面的結果。這就是我要追求的目標,我要用心用腦袋去完成。"真希望能像Erling Kagge一樣有果斷力和強大的意志力啊。

來自英國湖區的帽子 Bike Gear: Team Vaga Cap

在IG上發現很多野跑玩家都戴像這樣顏色鮮豔又透氣的運動帽。除了Team Vaga,Fractel似乎也滿多人戴的。查了查資料,發現Fractel的尺寸偏大,適合頭圍大的人。Team Vaga有看到小朋友戴,實際上我跟六歲兒都能戴。我的頭圍是女性偏小,因為扁頭。 VAGA : (V.) TO DARE; TO VENTURE; TO RISK. 我選的這兩頂都是帽簷內側有印VAGA Logo的。覺得這樣更特別。而且和我的英文名很像,就像是我們專屬的。 後方的設計。可以調整大小,也方便把帽子固定在背包。材質非常透氣也很輕。 這帽子之所以很適合騎單車用是因為它的帽簷可以往上翹,就不會像一般鴨舌帽影響到視線。只能說,這回還真的買對了。一次買兩頂,連同國際運費攤下來一頂一千出頭吧。 HOME | TeamVaga V Å G A(@teamvaga)• Instagram 相片與影片 Fractel Performance Caps - Running Headwear – FRACTEL UK

花蓮。兩潭自行車道 (奇萊鼻燈塔) Biking in Hualien: Two Lakes Bikeway (Qilaibi Lighthouse)

  這天的騎行里程大約來回有二十公里。真的有差點騎不回家的感覺。回到家泡完澡吃飯已經七點多。還覺得喘,還好後來老爹幫我拍打後背才又能順暢呼吸。在單車前方塞一個越來越高的孩子真是背酸。但總之,有挑戰成功從家裡騎到七星潭附近的燈塔再騎回家。 The total mileage this day is about 20 kilometers back and forth from home. I really felt like I could not make it home. It was already over seven o'clock after returning home to a hot bath and start our dinner. I still felt panting, but fortunately, dad helped me pat my back so I could breathe smoothly again. It caused back pain to have a child who is getting taller and taller in front of the bike and ride. But it was good that we had successfully achieved our goal to ride to the lighthouse near Qixingtan.  從生態池再往北騎,上次回走這是小貝才一歲半兩歲吧。記得他後來在單車上睡著。這天北濱跟這路上人有點多。我想盡快騎離開這一段路。 From ecological pond, the last time we visit this section of the bikeway was when Henry was only around two years old. He slept on the bike and we made a u turn near the harbor entrance. It was sort of crowded this day on the bikeway. I want to get rid of this section and move on to somewhere s...