花蓮。龍泉鐵馬道 / 美崙溪自行車道 Biking in Hualien: Xincheng Longquan Bikeway / Meilun River Bikeway
週六總是想安排一些單車路線。這天想和貝貝在龍泉鐵馬道各騎一台腳踏車。這裡平時他會和爺爺奶奶開車來看火車,不過沒在這裡騎過腳踏車。我二點半先騎單車出發,從家裡騎過去要半小時至少,大約快要九公里。天氣比我想像中的炎熱。在路上我想著會不會中暑。中途還有點迷路。後來總算回到正確的道路上。騎經過這裡看到遠處的鐵軌,我知道總算快到了。抵達時我用鈴鐺呼叫貝貝。後來我們一起在這自行車道上騎著。算是實現目標啦。 I always want to go on biking during the weekends. Today I want to bike with Henry on the Xincheng Longquan Bikeway. He came here with grandparents to see the train passing every afternoon, but he never ride bicycle here. I ride my KHS T3 from home around half past two, and took at least half an hour to arrive, about nine kilometers. The weather is hotter than I thought. On the road, I wondered if I would have heat stroke. I was a little lost halfway through. Finally, I was back on the right path. Riding past a bridge where I can see the railroad tracks in the distance, I knew I was almost here. We rode on our own bike on this bikeway together. Another goal achieved! 到時我已累了。貝貝據說已經來來回回騎了很久。 I was already exausted when I met them. 我們在單車道的盡頭替單車拍張合照紀念一下。 Took some photos at the end of the bikew...