花蓮。兩潭自行車道 (南段) Biking in Hualien: Two Lakes Bikeway (South Shore)


這週下了五天的雨,到了週五開完會下班,終於解脫,剛好雨停歇,我邀貝貝給我載,騎車去海邊。沒想到他說他要留在家裡等垃圾車來,他要倒垃圾。我就自己輕鬆上路了。背著Gregory新包,車前包放了相機。直衝海邊。半路下起不小的雨,我穿上了輕便雨衣,繼續往前。連五天沒騎實在悶壞了。後來雨變小我換上了Marmot的薄外套。雖然它完全不防水,但細雨還能擋一會兒吧。期待在Trekinn買的Marmot Precip 雨衣能早日送達。以後騎車就不怕下雨了。

It rained for five days this week. On Friday, I finished company meeting and got off work. I was finally relieved. The rain just stopped. I invited Henry to join me and ride to the beach. Unexpectedly, he said he wanted to stay at home and wait for the garbage truck to come, and he wanted to throw the garbage. I went on the bike alone, carrying Gregory Nano 14L, placing the camera in the front bag, and head straight to the beach. It started to rain quite a bit halfway, so I put on a light raincoat and kept going. Life was boring without any rides for five days. Then the rain became lighter, and I put on Marmot's thin jacket. Although it is not waterproof at all, it can block the drizzle for a while. I hope that the Marmot Precip raincoat bought from Trekkinn can arrive soon. 


I decided to go south, no particular destination. Afterall, I still have to get home by six for the dinner. There's quite a bit of people along the way walking or biking. 


Continue to ride forward and the road becomes a simple cement road. The winding path with lights extended out and the picture was beautiful.


It should be fun to dive down from here, but because I saw a dozen of wild dogs on the side of the road, I didn't dare to ride forward. I stopped to drink water instead. Then all of a sudden they the dogs are barking and starting to run. I decided to go home right away. 



Biking & Hiking Books:單車環島, 停不了 / 北歐聖奧拉夫朝聖之路

花蓮。光復自行車道 Biking in Hualien: Guang Fu Danongdafu Forest Park Bikeway

來自英國湖區的帽子 Bike Gear: Team Vaga Cap